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Top 5 Tips on How to Prepare your Essay with the Help of a Sample Admission Essay

Top 5 Tips on How to Prepare your Essay with the Help of a Sample Admission Essay
We are inspired to think when we read something very stimulating. That is why using a sample essay to make your own admission essay is a good idea. The ideas, coherence, and arrangement of topics in a sample essay can help you substantially. You can also use a sample essay for research purposes. Below are the top 5 tips that you can use in using a sample essay to start with your own.

1. Choose the right essay.
There are essays that appeal strongly because they are excellently written. However, these essays may not be the right ones for you. You must remember that the authors of those essays are able to write a high-quality piece because they chose the right topics for them. So the first step that you should take is to choose an essay that deals with a topic that you know well. This topic must also interest you so you will be more motivated in making your essay.

2. Understand the essay fully.
You cannot use a material unless you understand it. If you lack understanding of it, you will just end up borrowing phrases from it instead of coming up with your own ideas. A full understanding of a statement can stimulate ideas in your head. It also shows that the topic is interesting to you and fits you well. Moreover, a good understanding of an essay allows you to use the material fully.

3. Be aware of plagiaristic practices.
Committing plagiarism is a huge minus in your admission score. It also gives the evaluators the impression that you are incapable of generating your own ideas. Refer to plagiarism guidelines from reliable sources before using any information from the sample essay that you are using.

4. Compare the sample essay with your own.
It is still plagiarism even if you did not intentionally copy a work. You might have unknowingly lifted information from your sample essay. Better re-read the sample essay and compare it with your own work. Avoid any similarity from the sample essay. If you have to use information from the sample essay, cite it properly. It is almost impossible to escape with plagiarism nowadays as there are many schools that utilize software that detects plagiarism.

5. Do not just revise.
It is very important to make your own essay. Do not just paraphrase, rearrange, and, all in all, revise the whole sample essay. Put some insights into your essay. Personal views will make your essay more interesting and colorful. Create a thesis statement that is different from the sample essay. Your thesis statement and conclusion are the focal points of your essay. Hence, they are the most noticeable. Make sure that none of the two have similarities to the sample essay that you are using. Again, if there are similarities, never forget to cite the sources. If there is anything to revise, it is your own work. Also, you should revise intensively. essays captain ,,


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