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Benefits of doing a juice cleanse

Doing a cleanse may seem excessive but research does show that it can improve overall body health. Here are the top benefits to doing a one correctly.
More fruits and veggies in your diet — Ideally, you should have five servings of fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. However, very few people can meet this requirement due to hectic daily lifestyles. Juice diets can help you meet this requirement by upping your intake of fresh fruits and veggies but in liquid form.

Lose weight — Switching to a juice diet means that you remove all food from your diet for four to five days. Not only will you improve your health, but you also lose unnecessary fat. The cleanse will also clean out your intestines of accumulated human waste resulting in a distinct weight loss at the end of the cleanse.

Better health — Natural fruit and vegetables are definitely good for health as compared to supplements. As a result, upping your intake of fruit and vegetable juices will improve your health. At the end of the cleanse, your skin and hair will feel better almost immediately. Long term benefits in the form of better liver and kidney health and stronger bones are also apparent. This health boost also results in a lower risk of disease and illness.

Increased mental clarity — Natural fruit juices are rich in fructose and sucrose that are absorbed into blood and supply a ready source of energy to the brain. Patients on a juicing cleanse do report better mental clarity and improve energy levels due to the fresh fruits and vegetables.

Better sleep patterns — Solid food can cause indigestion and other problems that will disrupt normal sleep patterns. Fruit and vegetable juices are digested faster and they provide a ready source of energy. Patients on a juicing cleanse report better sleep and a much more relaxed sleep pattern.

The bottom line
Juice cleanses do work but it is advisable to consult with your physician before you start the course. If you have chronic health conditions like diabetes and hypertension, make sure you discuss the cleanse and its potential effects with your physician before you start, for more info visit our page: best cold press juicer,cold press juicer


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