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Hide My WordPress

Hide  My WP it's a WordPress Security module. You can change and shroud WordPress Admin and Login URLs to expands your Wp Security against programmer's bots.
Ensure your WordPress site by concealing the WordPress Admin and Login URLs to expands your Wp Security against programmer's bots.
The module has more than 50.000 dynamic introduces. Much thanks to all of you for your trust and support!
Shroud My WP Lite Features:
Shroud WordPress wp-administrator URL and divert it to 404 page or a custom page
Shroud WordPress wp-login.php and divert it to 404 page or a custom page
Change the wp-administrator and wp-login URLs
Lite WordPress Security Features
The FREE form does not work for Multisites, Nginx and IIS. Just the PRO form does!
To conceal all the basic WordPress ways you require the PRO form. Check all the PRO highlights beneath. best security plugin
The administrator URL is the most widely recognized way that programmers use to break your WordPress site.
Having the capacity to conceal the basic ways is basic, since you get the opportunity to keep gatecrashers far from touchy site information.
This is essential, and it will furnish you with an awesome ordeal and okay outcomes in the long haul.
It will without a doubt be justified, despite all the trouble, also that concealing the basic ways will make hacking a considerable measure harder too.
On the off chance that you don't ensure yourself, you will wind up having a hacked site at some point or another.
This is a free form of the module so you can utilize it for every one of your web journals with no confinements.
No subject or different modules usefulness will be blocked, everything will work the same
Note: The module requires custom permalinks. Ensure you have it enacted at Settings > Permalinks
Shroud My WP PRO highlights:
Conceal WordPress wp-administrator URL
Conceal WordPress wp-login.php
Custom administrator and login URL
Custom wp-incorporates way
Custom wp-content way
Irregular modules name
Irregular topics name
Irregular topics style way
Custom modules way
Custom transfers way
Custom creators way
Custom remark URL
Custom classification way
Custom labels way
Evacuate the meta ids
Cover up _wpnonce enter in shapes
Cover up wp-picture and wp-post classes
Shroud Emojicons in the event that you don't utilize them
Handicap Rest API get to
Incapacitate Embed contents
Incapacitate WLW Manifest contents
Savage Force Attack Protection
Math work in Login Page
Custom endeavors, timeout, message
Support for WordPress Multisites
Support for Nginx
Support for IIS
Support for LiteSpeed
Support for Apache
Support for Bitnami Servers
Prescribed by Wp Rocket module with-shroud my-wp
Insurance against:
Beast Force Attacks,
SQL Injection Attacks
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
See all the PRO highlights:
Conceal My WP Knowledge Base:
When you utilize the Hide my WordPress PRO, you will get custom transfer ways, creator ways, module ways et cetera.
You will likewise be able to evacuate undesirable classes, shroud content, cripple contents et cetera.
Shroud my WordPress PRO makes an ideal showing with regards to with helping you get bolster for multisites, for itnami Servers, Apache, LiteSpeed, Nginx, Wp Rocket Plugin and numerous others.
It is justified, despite all the trouble, so you might need to look at it.
Additionally, in light of the fact that you need to include a WordPress Security module that shrouds the normal ways, hat doesn't mean the module must be moderate.
Conceal my WordPress PRO is quick, and it won't affect your site in any negative way.
Despite what might be expected, it will conceal the normal ways, convey all the WordPress Security includes above and considerably more while additionally keeping the site quicker consistently!


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